Tuesday, February 24, 2009

24th February 2009-A visit from Malacca

I went for Ash Wednesday vigil mass today with my in-laws after work.

When I came back, I was surprised to see my dad's treasure hunt mates. This time with an additional hunter from Malacca, Uncle Johnny. He is actually a good friend of my dad. I've known him since I was 12? or is it younger than that? 

Well, with no surprise, his first words when he saw me "WAH! So big already ar?"
Perhaps the last he saw me I was less than 5 feet tall. :P My dad's other treasure hunt mates answered him.. "Married woman already lar." hahaha.. Time flies! 

Uncle Johnny told my dad to just have faith. Forget about the past, it's all said & done. Now look forward and just make a decision that you are comfortable with. I'm sure my dad has all of that in his mind. Well, I guess some things are easier said than done. I don't blame my dad for having some negative thoughts/feelings/doubts in him but with so much support from his family & friends, he will just have to keep reminding himself to POWER THROUGH! 

My dad is progressing well. He noticed that he don't have to catch his breath so often now when he talks. That's a WONDERFUL sign of recovery. He will just have to introduce exercise to his life, so that his lungs will open up more. 

My dad talking to Uncle Johnny. 
The moment I came back, my dad made a sign that says take a picture! hahaha. I'm now my dad's official photographer whenever his friends come over. :)

Here's the treasure hunting gang! (besides my mum) The 3 hunters on my dad's left side are my dad's regular team mates. Their team is named Hunters "R" Us. In short, HRU. I'm sure my dad can't wait to get back into the treasure hunting world. I'm also sure that he will join them soon! :)

During mass, our priests told us to reflect during this Lenten season on "How we have hurt others for our own benefit?", "Who killed Jesus?" and "Who benefited from Jesus' death?"

I think it's a very good topic for me to reflect for the next 42 days. If you ask me now, I would say, I hardly hurt anyone but I'm sure there is somewhere somehow, I've hurt someone with my words, actions or by doing nothing. I shall reflect on this throughout this whole season of Lent.

One of the hymns sung tonight reminded me of my kindergarten days. I used to perform at my kindergarten concert. I'm not sure why (well, I don't seem to remember anything that happened from 8 years old and below). But when I went to Ireland, my cousin heard this song on the radio and exclaimed "Hey! Do you remember performing this last time?" 
When I saw my photos, then it clicked! Perhaps I was called to follow Him even when I was in kindergarten. :)

Here is the lyrics to the song that put a smile on my face this evening.

I once thought that love was meant for anyone else but me,
I once thought no one knows the way,
Now that only goes to show how wrong we all can be,
'cause now it seems He loves me more each day.

His love is warmest than the warmest sunshine,
softer than a sigh,
Deeper than the deepest ocean,
wider than the sky.

His love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above,
and there is nothing in this world that can ever change His love.

Something happened to my heart the day I met Him,
something that I've never felt before.
And that something is that He has buried all my sins,
and everyday it seems He loves me more.

His love is warmest than the warmest sunshine,
softer than a sigh,
Deeper than the deepest ocean,
wider than the sky.

His love is brighter than the brightest star that shines every night above,
and there is nothing in this world that can ever change His love.

-His Love-

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